A timeless artist.
"A person is neither a thing nor a process but rather an opening or a clearing through which the Absolute can manifest"
-Martin Heidegger
An inside look

Danielle Georgeson Fuller "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Bruce you are amazing!!" It's so beautiful!! 18"x 24" Acrylic on canvas. What a regal German Shepard.

Beth Frazer-Wirth...."it was the first time a gift made my husband weep." 18"x 24" Oil on canvas.

Those big blue eyes. This cat had the most beautiful blue eyes and a gaze that hypnotized. Oil on canvas.

Our timeless friends
The commissioning process is quite simple. I speak with you about your pet and collect or take photos. We agree on a photo and a size and I paint it. Then it is packaged and shipped to you or you can pick it up.
Prices are estimates and agreed upon before work begins.
Payment is fifty percent deposit and balance paid on delivery.
All prices exclude packing and shipping.
8 x10 inches $425–
10 x12 inches $550–
18 x18 inches $875–
20 x 20 inches $1335–
24 x 24 inches $1875–
I hope my work inspires you. Call me to learn more about getting a portrait painted. Best to you! Bruce

Bruce Brickman
My education and professional pursuits have all been in the field of art and design. It is my passion. I was given scholarships to the Academy of Art and Pasadena Art Center. I choose Academy of Art for 3 years and then left for Japan where I had a studio for seven years. I worked as an illustrator, painted corporate murals, as well as doing portraiture and design. Back here in the states I moved to New Mexico and did portraiture, and mural work. I got married and moved to Santa Fe for five years where I did design consulting for a builder in the second home market as well as painted commission works.
Nineteen years ago, I moved to Portland with my wife and border collies. I owned a sign business for five years doing logos, graphics, and animal portraits. A while after the 2008 market crashed I got my real estate license to assist my wife during the poor economy. I helped her and others with everything visual. I have been consulting on home interiors and trouble-shooting marketing issues for small businesses, which included color consultations, graphic design work from logo design, sign design and production to vehicle wraps as well as continue to paint commissions.
A few highlights of my career are doing conceptual designs for three bridges in Tokyo, showing my work at Tokyo’s National Museum of Art, being commissioned by Sony to paint a portrait of Mr. Akio Morita (aka Mr. Sony), co-conceptualize and draw images for stone carved statues at the entrance of Foxwoods Hotel Casino, and help conceptualize and draw Wynn Hotel Las Vegas Tree of Prosperity.
Thank you for your interest. For any inquiries, commission requests or studio visits, please contact Bruce Brickman Studio today.
(503) 351-4205
9480 View Point Terrace, Portland OR United States 97219